Past BLUE Activities

Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (BLA DSA), Leftist Holiday Potluck Social on Saturday, December 14, 2024.

Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (BLA DSA) is hosting the Leftist Holiday Potluck Social on Saturday, December 14, 2024. The Leftist Holiday Potluck Social will be held in the Brainerd public library's large conference room from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Brainerd public library is located at 416 South Fifth Street, Brainerd, across from Mickey's Pizza and Subs.

The Leftist Holiday Potluck Social will give Brainerd area progressives and leftists an opportunity to meet and socialize. Social attendees are encouraged to bring food or beverages. The Leftist Holiday Potluck Social is co-hosted by Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE), Brainerd Area Labor Council, Minnesota Democratic Socialist Caucus, and Northwoods Socialist Collective.

The Leftist Holiday Potluck Social is a free event open to the public. Please join us. For more information about the Leftist Holiday Potluck Social, please visit[]%7D.

Brainerd Lakes Pride in the Park on Saturday, September 14, 2024

Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE) will host a table at Brainerd Lakes Pride in the Park on Saturday, September 14. Brainerd Lakes Pride in the Park will be held at Gregory Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gregory Park is located at 511 North Fifth Street, Brainerd. Brainerd Lakes Pride, a Brainerd area LGBTQ rights organization, is hosting Brainerd Lakes Pride in the Park. Brainerd Lakes Pride in the Park is a free event open to the public. Brainerd Lakes Pride in the Park is part of Brainerd Pride weekend on Saturday, September 14 and Sunday, September 15. More details about Brainerd Pride weekend can be found on Brainerd Lakes Pride's Facebook page at:

BACP/BLUE Booth at the Crow Wing County Fair, July 30 - August 3, 2024

We have been at the fair since 2003. We always enjoy our conversations with those who stop at our booth and are helping us spread the word about peace and justice and the health of our environment. The BACP fair booth is located in Industrial Building #1. Come visit us!

Brainerd Fourth of July Parade 2024

Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE) will be marching in the Brainerd Fourth of July parade. The Brainerd Fourth of July parade will be held on Thursday, July 4 at 6 p.m. The Brainerd Fourth of July parade begins in the Brainerd High School parking lot. The Brainerd High School parking lot is located at the former site of Lincoln Elementary School, across from Brainerd High School. Brainerd High School is located at 702 South Fifth Street, Brainerd.

The parade will go up Fifth Street to Laurel Street, then down East River Road before ending in the parking lot near Don Adamson (Brainerd High School) football field. A map of the parade route can be found at: (The parade route is the same as used in the 2022 and 2023 Brainerd Fourth of July parades.) The BACP-BLUE parade unit will be marching for peace, justice, environmental protection, and civil liberties. Signs, banners, and flags are available for parade unit participants. Brainerd Community Action, the organizer of the Brainerd Fourth of July parade, sent the following information about Brainerd Fourth of July parade unit check-in and parking:

You will be staged at the Brainerd High School BLUE LOT off South 5th St. [The BACP-BLUE parade unit's parking spot is D-16.] Please enter S. 5th Street at the Quince Street Light to find the check-in location. Signs will be posted.

Check-in will begin at 3:30 p.m. You may arrive any time before 5 p.m. At 5 p.m., the roads will be closed to traffic. All floats and parade vehicles must be present BEFORE the closure of the streets at 5 p.m. to ensure a prompt starting time at 6 p.m.

Parking of additional vehicles will be allowed around the perimeter of the BLUE lot or in the additional parking lot just south of Pine Street. Attached is a map for pulling in as well as additional parking.

You will also find a diagram of the end of the parade route as well. Vehicles that do not need to let people on or off may travel straight through and out onto College Drive to return to the staging area. Vehicles that need a quick pit stop to let anyone on or off at the end should pull into the lower lot and continue as guided to the pit stop areas. Please follow instructions to ensure a smooth parade flow and do not stop mid lot.

Drivers – It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you stay at a steady distance from the float in front of you. There is no reason gaps should form that are longer than a few float lengths. Floats that are unable to stay with the group will not be asked to return.

The parade begins at 6 p.m. sharp. The parade route travels downhill with a fantastic finale so it should be a unique and fun experience.

We will also be doing the MEMORIAL ZONE again where we ask that you do not use your horn or siren in the area in front of the All Veterans Memorial on Laurel Street (5th and Laurel to 4th and Laurel). A map is attached.

Once you have checked in and have found your position in line, you may leave the staging area. Please return and be in your assigned place no later than 5 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to join the BACP-BLUE parade unit in the Brainerd Fourth of July parade. Please join us.

Water Over Nickel Vigil, Saturday, June 8, 2024

At the Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (BLA DSA) meeting, BLA DSA members finalized the proposal for a vigil opposing the proposed copper-nickel mine near Tamarack (a small town east of Aitkin) BLA DSA co-chair Julius Kapushinski made at the April BLA DSA meeting.

The Water Over Nickel vigil will be held on Saturday, June 8. The vigil will be held at the intersection of Highways 210 and 371, Baxter, near Kohl's. The vigil is scheduled to last from 1 to 2 p.m. Signs, banners, and flags are available for vigil participants or vigil participants may bring signs to the vigil.

BLA DSA invited Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE) to co-host the vigil. BACP-BLUE members enthusiastically decided at our Monday, May 6 meeting to co-host the Water Over Nickel vigil. BACP-BLUE has long opposed copper-nickel mining, due to its devastating environmental impacts. As Kathyrn Hoffman, the CEO of the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, stated during the Rosemeier Forum on copper-nickel mining at Central Lakes College on Monday, April 29, there is not a single environmentally sound copper-nickel mine in the world. A copper-nickel mine near Tamarack would contaminate the area's rivers, streams, wetlands, and wild rice beds.

The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe strongly opposes the proposed Tamarack copper-nickel mine. The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe has a Water Over Nickel website,, explaining the environmentally damaging effects of copper-nickel mining and the adverse impact on tribal communities. The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe considers the proposed mine a violation of the Band's sovereignty and treaty rights.

BLA DSA invited the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe's Water Over Nickel organization to co-host the vigil. Julius said Water Over Nickel is interested in working with BLA DSA and BACP-BLUE on opposing the proposed Tamarack copper-nickel mine. Hopefully, Water Over Nickel will join BLA DSA and BACP-BLUE in hosting the vigil.

BACP Highway Cleanup, May 18, 2024

Adopt-a-Highway Project

Cleanup volunteers will meet at the former Knottys on 371 restaurant parking lot, located off Highway 76 north of Little Falls, at 11:00 a.m. A short assembly will be held to plan the cleanup.

Volunteers are encouraged to read the Adopt-a-Highway information posted here. Included in the Adopt-a-Highway information is how to report potentially hazardous materials encountered during the cleanup, tips to avoid poison ivy and other plants which cause itching, and Lyme Disease prevention advice.

In the event bad weather forces cancellation of the cleanup, a new date will be set.

Everyone is welcome to join the BACP Adopt-a-Highway cleanup. The project is a great way to help the environment and share our message of peace. Please join us.

Monday, April 29, 2024, Rosenmeier Forum about copper-nickel mining.

The forum will be held in the Chalberg Theatre at Central Lakes College (CLC) at 7 p.m. CLC is located at 501 West College Drive, Brainerd.

The forum will present opposing viewpoints on copper-nickel mining. Speaking at the forum will be Julie Lucas, executive director of MiningMinnesota, and Kathryn Hoffman, CEO of the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy.

The forum is a free event open to the public.

Northland Arboretum Earth Day Cleanup and Volunteer Appreciation Party 2024

14250 Conservation Dr, Baxter, MN 56425, (218) 829-8770

Earth Day Film Presentation, Saturday, April 20, 2024

In observance of Earth Day (April 22), Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE) will host a film presentation of the 2019 documentary "The Story of Plastic" in the Brainerd public library's large conference room on Saturday, April 20. The film presentation is scheduled to last from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Brainerd public library is located at 416 South Fifth Street, Brainerd, across from Mickey's Pizza and Subs.

"The Story of Plastic" provides an historical perspective on plastic pollution. The film examines the major role the fossil fuel industry plays in creating plastic pollution. "The Story of Plastic" is critical of plastic recycling as a solution to plastic pollution. "The Story of Plastic" documents the growing public awareness of plastic pollution and the movement demanding a curtailment of plastic production and waste.

Snacks and beverages will be offered. Everyone is welcome to attend "The Story of Plastic" film presentation. The film presentation is a free event. Please join us.

April 22, 2023

Greetings, Environmentalists,

You are cordially invited to attend our observance of Earth Day 2023 at 1:30 pm on Saturday April 22, 2023, in the large meeting room of the Brainerd Public Library (414 S. 5th St, Brainerd, MN, 56401-3509). We will be showing an environmentally themed film and serving light refreshments. Please join us.

Stop Dirty Banks in Brainerd! Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 4:00 p.m.

Community Event · Volunteer organized
Stop Dirty Banks in Brainerd! organized by Third Act Initiative, Inc.
Location: Wells Fargo Bank, 424 W Washington St, Brainerd, MN 56401

The Day of Action will demand banks like Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Chase stop investing in fossil fuels and support renewable energy projects instead. Protests and vigils will be held outside of banks supporting fossil fuels projects throughout the nation. More information about Third Act's Stop Dirty Banks Day of Action can be found at

Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists will hold a rally in front of the Wells Fargo Bank at the corner of Hwy 210 (Washington St.) and NW Fifth St. in Brainerd, MN. Our rally will be one of dozens being held across the country in conjunction with Third Act's "Stop Dirty Banks: Day of Action".

Let your voice be heard! Bring your own sign from home or use one of ours! Join us on Tuesday, March 21 at 4:00 p.m.!

Earth Day, Saturday, April 23, 2022, Brainerd Lakes Earthday Community Fair

Brainerd May Day March, Sunday, May 1, 2022, 1:00 pm

BLUE has endorsed the 2nd Annual Brainerd May Day March organized by the BLA/DSA and starting at 8th & Laurel, join us there.

Brainerd Area Joint Democracy Meeting, February 16, 2022, at 7 p.m

A second Brainerd Area Joint Democracy Meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2022, after the first meeting on January 19, 2022. The Brainerd Area Joint Democracy Meeting is a meeting between Lakes Area Move to Amend (LAMTA), Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP), Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE), Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and Brained Lakes Pride. The Brainerd Area Joint Democracy Meeting discusses how participating organizations can get the word out about their work to the Brainerd area community and possibly hold joint events in the future.

Brainerd Area Joint Democracy Meeting, January 19, 2022, at 7 p.m

The Brainerd Area Joint Democracy Meeting was a meeting between Lakes Area Move to Amend (LAMTA), Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP), Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE), Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and Brained Lakes Pride. The Brainerd Area Joint Democracy Meeting discussed how participating organizations can get the word out about their work to the Brainerd area community and possibly hold a joint event in the future. Another meeting was scheduled for February 16, 2022.

BLUE Meeting, February 11, 2021

Our regular monthly meeting was held on Thursday, February 11th at 6:30 p.m. That meeting was again held via Zoom due to the pandemic. Here is the agenda: BLUE 2021-02-11 Agenda.htm

"Stop Line 3" Vigil in Brainerd

"Stop Line 3" vigil in Brainerd at 6th & Washington on Saturday January 30, 2021 from 3 pm until 4 pm. About 20 people took part in the vigil wearing masks and maintaining social distancing as precautions against Covid-19. We heard plenty of honks in support of stopping this destructive and useless oil pipeline.


Hey Water Protectors (and Treaty Protectors)! Water Protector event concerning Line 3 Saturday, January 23, 2021, 11am - 2 pm at the Paul Bunyan Trailhead Parking Lot (100 Front St S, Backus, MN 56435) A few blocks west of Hwy 371.

It was a great opportunity to show up and help save Minnesota from this ridiculous LINE 3 pipeline. Our last peaceful protest brought 300 people together. Peacefully. There is reason to believe that we can win this battle with the change in administration in Washington. Also, a court decision on a delay in construction while Treaty issues are decided is expected in the next few weeks!

Public outpourings are noticed by courts and other decision makers so we have to demonstrate our numbers, logic and peaceful intent. That happened in Backus. About 100 folks showed up with "Stop Line 3" signs and dressed like true Minnesotans in wintertime and enjoying our civic duty to save our climate, water quality and the promised Treaty rights of Indian communities.

October 21, 2020, Candidates' Environmental Forum PSA

BLUE Meeting, May 14, 2020

Greetings BLUE,

Our next scheduled monthly meeting on Thursday evening, May 14, 2020, 6:30 PM, will be held on-line via ZOOM. Please use the link and password below to join us. The meeting will be limited to 40 minutes by the free version of the ZOOM application so please join on time and be prepared to present any information you wish to share in a timely fashion. An agenda is attached to this invitation. This morning I did apply BLUE as a signer of the MEP letter to the MN state senators per yesterday's mailing. I hope all of you and those you care for are surviving the pandemic in good shape. I hope to see you on Thursday evening.

If any of you would care to contact your legislators in regard to the 'Our Mississippi, Our Future' bonding initiative, send an email via the link: Our Mississippi, Our Future. At this link, you’ll find more background on our priorities and you can write your email right on the page! Just fill in all the information at the top so your legislator knows the message is coming from a constituent. Then, you’ll see a section where you can edit the subject line of your email. Feel free to make changes there. There’s also a place in the body of the email where we’re asking folks to personalize their message by sharing why this issue’s important to them. Once you’ve customized your email, you’ll be able to send it right from the web page. A pamphlet (jpeg) summarizing the proposals in this initiative is available. The legislative session ends in a week, so submit your letter as soon as you can. It took me about five minutes to do and felt so good! Thanks for joining me in making your voice heard for healthy forests, healthy grasslands and clean water!

Be Safe and Stay Well

Dean Borgeson
BLUE Co-chair

July 4th, 2019, Brainerd 4th of July Parade

Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment participated with Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace in the Brainerd 4th of July Parade.

Note: This event has been cancelled due to concerns about the coronavirus pandemic.

Saturday, April 27, 2019, 10:00 AM, Earth Day Celebration

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 12:00-1:00 PM: Chris Conry - 100% Campaign

Chris Conry, the director of the 100% Campaign, will give a presentation in Central Lakes College's Chalberg Theatre on Wednesday, April 24. The presentation is scheduled to last from 12 to 1 p.m. Central Lakes College (CLC) is located at 501 West College Drive, Brainerd. The presentation is a free event open to the public.

The presentation will discuss how the 100% Campaign is working to make Minnesota the next state to commit to 100% renewable, fossil-free electrical power while creating jobs and protecting communities. The 100% Campaign is a coalition of over 40 Minnesota environmental organizations, community groups, and labor unions.

The 100% Campaign is organizing a "cross-sector, statewide, multi-racial, intersectional campaign to build an equitable clean energy economy which works for everyone in Minnesota." The 100% Campaign wants to transition to clean energy sources as quickly as possible in a just, equitable manner. For more information about the 100% Campaign, please visit

CLC professors Scott Foster and David Kobilka organized Chris Conry's CLC presentation. The CLC Sociology, Geography, Earth Science, Spanish, and Economics Departments are hosting the presentation. Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE) is a co-host of the presentation.

For more information about Chris Conry's CLC presentation, please contact Scott Foster at or (218) 855-8193.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 6:00-7:30 PM: Chris Conry - The 100% Clean Energy Future

Saturday, January 19, 2019, 1:30 PM: Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL)

Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE) will host a presentation by Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) on Saturday, January 19. The CCL presentation will be held in the Brainerd public library's large conference room. The Brainerd public library is located at 416 South Fifth Street, Brainerd, near Brainerd High School and across from Mickey's Pizza and Subs.

The CCL presentation is scheduled to last from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. After the presentation ends at 2:30 p.m., there will be a question and answer session until 3 p.m.

The CCL presentation will discuss the proposed Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (S. 3791/ H.R. 7173) and the how the law, if enacted, would help curb climate change. The CCL presentation will discuss proven ways to speak effectively and powerfully about climate solutions to elected officials, business leaders, neighbors, and friends.

CCL is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization empowering people from all walks of life to become effective advocates for a livable world. For more information about CCL, please visit

The CCL presentation hosted by BLUE is a free event open to the public.

Saturday, September 22, 2018, 10:00 AM: How Climate Change is Affecting the Brainerd Lakes Area

Saturday, September 8, 2018, 10:00 AM: Rise for Climate!

Saturday, July 21, 2018. 9:30-10:30 AM: Zero Hour Youth Climate March

Corner of Washington St. and 6th St. in Brainerd

July 4, 2018, 4:00 PM: Brainerd July 4th Parade

Saturday, June 23, 2018, 10 AM: From the Ashes

Brainerd Public Library, 416 S 5th St, Brainerd

Sponsored by Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE) and Brainerd High School EcoClub.

Saturday, May 5, 2018, 10-11:30 AM: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Brainerd Public Library

Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 12 PM-2 PM: Minnesota's Climate Future, with Kenny Blumenfeld

CLC Chalberg Theatre, 501 West College Dr., Brainerd, Minnesota 56401

Members of the public are invited to hear Kenny Blumenfeld, Senior Climatologist with the MN Department of Natural Resources, as he speaks about Minnesota's climate future at Central Lakes College. Questions and discussion will follow.

Sponsored by Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE), MN350, and Central Lakes College.

Saturday, March 17, 2018, 1:30 PM-3:30 PM: "Chasing Ice" - Film and Discussion

Brainerd Public Library, 416 S 5th St, Brainerd, Minnesota 56401

This beautiful film shows the decline of glaciers and ice sheets as a result of climate change. The transition to clean energy has begun and needs to be accelerated. Know the challenges and be part of the solution!

Sponsored by Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE) and Brainerd High School EcoClub