Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE)
Thursday February 11th 6:30 pm
Monthly Meeting
The February monthly meeting will
be held on-line due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Please use the link in the cover letter for this agenda to join the
Old Business:
Discussion of possible resistance to the ongoing
construction of Line 3:
The MNPCA & MNDNR denied Enbridge’s request to tunnel Line 3 beneath rivers while
they remain ice covered.
Report on January 30th
vigil in Brainerd.
Report on February 5th
Caravan from Palisade.
Larry passed along
information that BLA/DSA will be hosting two vigils a month beginning on
Saturday February 20th at 3:00 pm.
Going forward the will be on the first and third Saturday of each
month. Does BLUE wish to cohost these vigils?
Update on any response to Pat’s email to Dave Badeaux in regard to the initiative on Electric Vehicles.
GM has announced a plan to
have an all electric fleet by 2035.
Discussion to identify possible future BLUE events or actions.
New Business:
Treasure’s report
Brainerd Lakers United for the Environment (BLUE)
Thursday January 14th 6:30 pm
Monthly Meeting
The January monthly meeting was
held on-line due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Present: Karen, Pat, Doug, Dean, Larry, Paula Overby, Brad Hofstrand, Isaiah, Richard & Judy
Line 3
Doug motioned to
support the Line 3 protest by making a cash donation of $100. Dean 2nd’d
the motion. Unanimous approval. Isaiah will send a
check to Honor the Earth at the Palisade location.
Doug also reported
that there are weekly protests at the Enbridge office
in Park Rapids. For those who would like to participate, the address is 101 2nd
St W. Park Rapids. Time 1:00 pm – the
events are called Salsa Tuesdays where there is singing and dancing. To read
more about this event and other January events, go to facebook and search for Honor the Earth.
Larry introduced the ‘Democratic Socialists of America’ to BLUE. Paula is attending from the Twin Cities and Brad is the local outreach coordinator. DSA is not a political party. Their focus is on the following for areas:
1. To support working people
2. The Green New Deal
3. Line 3
4. Medicare for all
The local chapter of DSA will be attending training meetings. DSA invited BLUE to align with them on issues of mutual concern. After discussion, a motion was made by Doug and 2nd’d by Pat to align with DSA on such issues. Motion carried.
What can BLUE do to support Line 3?
· Hold a vigil in Brainerd – Brad will present this idea to the DSA Steering Committee
· Participate in a Salsa Tuesday in Park Rapids
· Hold a car/van caravan protest, individuals can also donate warm clothing to ‘Stop Line 3’.
100% Writing Campaign
Dean was about to tell us about this
when the zoom meeting ended because of time limits.
Interested parties
can attend a writing workshop on clean transportation & transit on Wednesday, January 27th from
6:30pm-8:00pm via ZOOM. This workshop
will focus on transportation electrification and transit investments. Trainers will include Anjali
Bains of Fresh Energy and Peter Wagenius
of the Sierra Club Northstar Chapter. Please RSVP at: